During my time I helped productise exisitng projects for the company before finshing my time there by helping contribute to new projects by creating conceptual designs. This covered educational graphic work such as instagram story boards relating to the companies projects to sketching and digitally modelling conceptual designs.

The product designed was a commercial bin store made to come with a living roof to help increase a businesses bio-diversity net gain.
Unfortunatley, I didn't have access to full keyshot rendering software, hence lower qualaity image and watermarks.

These are some examples of the graphic work I done as I spent some of my time helping productise the Grow Notts projects with social media/marketing content. The idea was to create eye catching content to draw in consumers whilst also fufliing one of the brand objectives to educate. I decided that two good ways to go about this was to create inforgraphics as well as social media story board slides. I attempted to replicate the brands existing two tone minimal design with the same approach to this graphic work.

Some examples of potential website designs which were taking inspiration fro existing brand drafts as well as some basic 'Hero' boards that could provide inspiration for the brand going forward past my time there as they decide how to market their projects